The GRAD Partnership
The Carnegie Foundation is a founding member of the GRAD Partnership, a collective effort made by nine organizations partnering with communities to use high-quality student success systems so that schools are empowered to graduate all students ready for the future.
The GRAD Partnership is focused on student success systems as they provide schools with a unified system that integrates, extends, and increases the capacity of existing student support efforts, including early warning, on-track, and multi-tiered support systems. High-quality student success systems empower educators to use continuous improvement practices to transform the conditions for learning in schools, including changing adult school practices, mindsets, structures, and policies to enable and ensure the educational success of all students.

Off to a Strong Start: The GRAD Partnership Year 1 Results
Year one of the GRAD Partnership’s implementation of student success systems, the next generation of early warning/on-track systems, occurred in the year following what many teachers and school leaders called the most challenging year of their career.
Read the research brief to learn more about the real, tangible, and meaningful ways student success system implementation benefitted students across the nation.
Members of the GRAD Partnership:
- American Institutes for Research
- BARR Center
- Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
- Everyone Graduates Center
- National Center for Learning Disabilities
- Network for College Success
- Rural Schools Collaborative
- Schott Foundation
- Talent Development Secondary

- Carnegie Foundation Staff: Eli Pristoop