Veeko Lucas

Associate, Center for Postsecondary Innovation

Veeko Lucas

Veeko Lucas serves as an associate on the Center for Postsecondary Innovation team at the Carnegie Foundation. In this role, Veeko is focused on the revision and update to the Carnegie Classifications of Institutions of Higher Education. His work supports the development of improvement communities focused on generating and spreading practices that enable colleges and universities to better support students’ economic mobility from enrollment to graduation. Prior to Carnegie, Veeko was an engagement manager at Mass Insight Education and Research where he co-led a networked improvement community focused on improving outcomes for historically underserved student populations in Advanced Placement (AP) courses.

Veeko’s passion for addressing the needs of students who are most vulnerable at a systems-level drives all his work. This professional conviction is evident in Veeko’s writing on culture clashes in the classroom, facilitation of conference sessions about tools that can increase academic participation and success in AP courses, leadership in holding demonstrations leading to the roll-out of new education standards nationally, or participation on the Equity Coalition with a leading education nonprofit in his home state of Kentucky.

Veeko earned a bachelor’s in biology from Berea College, a master’s (M.Sc.) in secondary education from Indiana University and a master’s (M.Ed.) in school leadership from the Summer Principals Academy at Teachers College, Columbia University.