Northwest Regional Education Service District
The Northwest Regional Education Service District is the largest of Oregon’s 19 education service districts. NWRESD works with school districts in the four counties it serves to deliver quality, cost-effective programs and services, including special education, technology, professional development and school improvement.
NWRESD was selected as a 2019 Spotlight honoree because of its efforts to enhance interagency collaboration to make measurable improvement on a state-level education policy priority. Specifically, NWRESD collaborated with its schools to establish a common improvement aim, analyze underlying causes of low success rates, and devise interventions intended to advance more equitable 9th-grade classroom performance and eventual high school graduation. NWRESD developed an infrastructure that enabled coordination of school improvement teams and their leaders; social connections and relational trust in and among teams spanning multiple districts; data systems to provide both quantitative and qualitative evidence of students’ educational experience and outcomes; and the common use of a standard set of on-track measures to assess progress.
VIDEO: A presentation by Kimberley Ednie and Daniel Ramirez of the Northwest Regional Education Service District at the Carnegie Foundation’s Spotlight on Quality in Continuous Improvement Symposium on November 21, 2019 in Washington, DC.