Summit Public Schools
Summit Public Schools, a charter management organization, operates 11 schools in California and Washington serving approximately 2,000 students with diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Almost half of these students are Hispanic, 20 percent are white, 11 percent are Asian, 6 percent are African-American, and 7 percent are multiracial. In addition, 12 percent are English language learners and 42 percent qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.
Summit Public Schools is also a school partnership organization supporting more than 330 schools across 40 states through its Summit Learning Program, which helps transition traditional classrooms to personalized learning classrooms. The Program is free for schools and includes the Summit Learning Platform, an online tool that powers personalized learning, alongside customizable curricula for grades 6-12. The Program also provides professional development and ongoing support and mentorship. The Program allows Summit Public Schools to spread its personalized teaching and learning approach far beyond the 11 schools it operates.
By deploying system-wide improvement approaches and practices, Summit is able to spread and scale improvements across many different school contexts. For example, in one year Summit reduced the achievement gap between English language learners and their English-speaking peers by 50 percent across the network.