Spotlight on Connecticut RISE Network: Improving Outcomes for Historically Underserved High School Students

In this Spotlight on Quality webinar, Improving Outcomes for Historically Underserved High School Students, leaders of the Connecticut RISE Network—which serves 6,000 students, including 82% of whom are Black or Latinx—discussed how they improved outcomes for their students by disrupting these historic patterns, the Connecticut Rise Network demonstrated a 20 percentage point increase of its students’ on-track rates from 64% in 2015 to 84% in 2020. Extending its analytic focus as the cohort schools moved from grade 9 to grade 12, the average graduation rate increased from 78% in 2016 to 87% in 2019, while the statewide graduation rates during the same time period remained constant.
Learn what the RISE Network did and how they did it, including:
- Applying improvement analytics to pinpoint needs, diagnose root causes, form and test hypotheses, measure impact, and continuously improve
- Co-designing data tools and dashboards with teachers, counselors, and school administrators to track attendance, behavior, and grades
- Adopting a networkwide commitment to increase on-track achievement through five high-leveraged strategies—on-track data teams, on-track coaching, summer transition programs, college and career supports, and educator-inspired innovations
Presenters and Panelists
- Emily Pallin, Executive Director, Connecticut RISE Network
- Sam Purdy, Network Learning Manager, Connecticut RISE Network
- Nathan Quesnel, Superintendent, East Hartford Public Schools
- Vacianna Farquharson, Grade 9 Assistant Principal, Hartford Public Highs School, Hartford Public Schools
- Ash Vasudeva, Vice President, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching