Getting to the Root to Get Going

75-min | In-Person
Focus Areas: Equity, Diversity, and Belonging; Improvement Capability; System Transformation Toward Continuous Improvement

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start? Often when we try to solve problems, we spend most of our time addressing the symptoms, rather than the underlying causes. As a result, we can expend tons of energy trying different things, but make little progress toward more equitable outcomes and engaging learning environments. There is a better way! Come learn a process for identifying what is truly at the heart of equity issues you are facing, distinguishing between symptoms and root causes, and developing high-leverage change ideas you can try next week.


Stacey Caillier, Director, Center for Research on Equity and Innovation, High Tech High Graduate School of Education
Edgar Montes, Director, CARPE College Access Network, High Tech High Graduate School of Education