From Concept to Classroom: Real-World Applications of Learner-Centered Frameworks at Getting Smart Town Hall

On March 19th, Getting Smart and Education Reimagined hosted the Getting Smart Town Hall focusing on the advancement of learner-centered ecosystems across the nation.

This event featured our very own Dr. Val Brown, Director of Future of Learning, who sat on a panel with other innovative leaders: Emily Liebtag, Chief Innovation Officer at Education Reimagined, Karen Pittman, Founding Partner at Knowledge to Power Catalysts, and Annalies Corbin, Founder, President, and CEO of The PAST Foundation and Columbus EcosySTEM Initiative Champion.

This panel addressed the pressing need for systemic innovation and transformation, emphasizing the potential of learner-centered ecosystems to foster equitable and engaging learning environments for all students. Dr. Brown highlighted the importance of initiatives like our work, in partnership with XQ, on the High School Learning Zones

“We recognize that learning cannot be confined to traditional measurements and that students thrive in environments supported by multiple adults,” she said. “Our goal is not only to reimagine the role of educators but to ensure every student benefits from an education system that truly meets their needs.”

To learn more about this amazing work, please check out the recording and transcript of this event, by clicking here.