Leadership, Shared Power, and Vulnerability

The session videos included here all touch on the theme of leadership, shared power, and vulnerability in improvement work. From “Eliminating Equity Gaps Through Data and Institutional Change” to “Building Leadership Capacity for Racial Equity-Focused Improvement Science,” these presentations provide case study examples, tools, and lessons learned for bringing about equitable change. Also included on this page are reflection questions originally posed by the session presenters, resources for further learning, and a feedback form.

Reflection Questions

  • What is your vision of equity?
  • Who do you need to be to lead this work in your system and what kind of leader for equity will you commit to be?
  • What are some strategies you use to overcome your fears about being vulnerable in your learning community so that you can move forward in your improvement work?
  • What is the greatest inequity in your district or community? What are the challenges in addressing this inequity?
  • What equity action practice do you think holds the most promise for your work?
  • How are you leveraging data in your improvement work? What data are you missing?
  • What “low hanging fruit” can your learning community address post haste in order to advance equity and improve outcomes for students of color?

Which voices have the most impact on equity decisions in your learning community? Which voices are missing? What can you do to gain access to those missing voices?

Feedback Form

Please fill out this feedback form with your reactions to this series.