Learning Leadership Network

A National Network to Catalyze Secondary School Transformation

The purpose of the Learning Leadership Network (LLN) was to support secondary school transformation in the United States. The LLN was a two-year initiative designed to support, showcase, and study systems that created engaging, equitable, and effective learning experiences for their secondary students.

Nested within the Foundation’s Future of Learning portfolio, the LLN supported the leadership teams of 10 districts to advance their secondary school transformation priorities, build improvement capacity, and cultivate awareness, contribute evidence, and create support for systemic improvements in secondary education. Moving forward, the LLN aimed to provide examples and evidence of systems that educated students through diverse modalities and settings, improved their progress through high school, and strengthened their connection to high-quality post-secondary pathways.

The network sought to provide a proof of concept for how secondary instructional systems could be organized to strengthen student success and identify key policy enablers for implementing these approaches at a persuasive scale.

Participating Districts 

  • Akron Public Schools
  • Baltimore City Public Schools
  • Battle Creek Public Schools
  • Guilford County Schools
  • Northern Humboldt Union High School District
  • Oakland Unified School District
  • Phoenix Union High School District
  • Sacramento City Unified School District
  • School District of Lee County
  • Tulsa Public Schools